This year THETA marked twenty one years of existence as Non -Governmental Organisation. It is my pleasure and privilege to present our annual report for 2016 which summaries our achievements, challenges and way forward.
Our THETA Annual Reports
THETA is increasingly recognised locally, regionally and internationally as an organisation that builds collaboration between the traditional and biomedical health care systems and communities. During the past year, THETA ended the 3rd year of its Strategic Plan 2014-2018, THETA continued to initiatives through it’s 4 core business areas of Integrative Medicine Reaserch, Capacity Development for Holistic health System, Community Health Systems Strengthening and Institutional Sustainability. During the past year, THETA made remarkable strides through fully.
integrating herbal medicines in its medical centre, Acquiring accreditation of its Research and Ethics Committee by Uganda National Council of Science and Technology and developing a road map for its institute for Traditional and Complementary Medicine. During the year THETA also continued to lead in building capacity of Civil Society Organisation’s engagement with the health system.
In terms of Organisation’s financial stability and sustainability, during the year 2016, we retained our partners USG/PEPFAR/CDC, SIDA and SidEcole Foundation, secured one new grant from ViiV Health Care UK and got financial and Technical Assistance for Austrian Development Organisation Horizont 3000. We additionally continued made modest improvement in its local resources.
Collectively, we achieved most of the planned results and continued on the positive path towards catalyzing the African Solutions for Better Health.
As we celebrate the achievements made in 2016, I would like to whole heartedly appreciate our subscriber members, donor partners, Board Trustees, Staffs and our collaborating Government Agencies for all the support to THETA during the year 2016 and their continued commitment towards our Organisation’s Vision and Mission.
Download our ANNUAL REPORT Here
Download our Research Policy REPORT for 2015 Here
Download our Research Policy REPORT for 2016 Here
Download our Annual Report 2017 Here
Download our Fort Portal Training Report Here
Download our Med Plants Report Here
Download our NDA Report Here

Our THETA Publications
It is now increasingly recognized that the health care system in Uganda as it stands today does not address adequately the multitudes of health problems and concerns for all Ugandans. 60% of the Ugandan population is using traditional medicine for primary health care (MoH 2012). THETA Uganda is offering the following unique and skills oriented short courses in herbal medicines practice for the public.
The training calender for the short courses can be downloaded Here
Download a detailed list of training courses Here
More information about the training can be found in the THETA Brochure for Training and Capacity DevelopmentDownload Brochure. The Application Form is also available for download Application Form
Download The East African HEALTH RESEARCH JOURNAL The basis for better health policy and practice.